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Dear Mr./Ms. [メールアドレス省略]

A login attempt to your Rakuten member account was detected.

◆Login Information
・Date and Time of login :2019/07/17 00:07
・IP Address   :

If you did not make the above login, there is a possibility that it was logged in by the third party. Just in case, we recommend to reset your password by the following method.

*Please operate from the browser for PC or smartphone.
1. Access to the top page of Rakuten Ichiba
*If your name is displayed on the page, please logout by following steps. If “ログイン(login)” is displayed, please go to 2.
-PC: Click “ログアウト (logout)” which is located below your name
-Smartphone: Tap “ログアウト(logout)” which is located at the bottom of the page.
2. Open “ログイン(login)” screen
-PC: Click “ログイン(login)” under “ようこそ、楽天市場へ(Welcome to Rakuten Ichiba)” on the right side of the screen
-Smartphone: Tap “ログイン(login)” which is located on the upper side of the screen
3. Click “ユーザID・パスワードを忘れた場合(Forgot your User ID or password)?” which is in the bottom part of login screen
4. Click “確認メールを送信する(Send Confirmation Email)”
5. Check email titled “「[楽天]ユーザID確認・パスワード再設定」([Rakuten] User ID Confirmation/Password Reset)” which is sent to your registered email address for Rakuten membership.
6. Click URL in the body of mail
7. Input email address and click “パスワードの再設定へ進む(Proceed to Reset Password)” button
8. Please input new password and number shown in the image and check the rules, and then click “以下の規約に同意して新しいパスワードを登録する(Agree to Rakuten Member Terms & Conditions and Register a New Password)”

That will be all for resetting password.

If there are any usage or orders which you have no memory of, please click “ヘルプ(Help)” from the top page of Rakuten Ichiba and please inquire to “楽天市場お客様サポートセンター(Rakuten Ichiba Customer Support Center)” from “楽天市場へ問い合わせる(inquire to Rakuten Ichiba)” located in the bottom part of “ヘルプ・問い合わせトップ(Help/Top of Inquiry)” screen.

*This mail is sent automatically to the mail address registered
*As a countermeasure against phishing email which disguised as an email sent from Rakuten, we do not include any URL nor telephone number in this email.
*This is a send-only email. If you reply to this email, please understand we are not able to reply.

Rakuten, Inc



対象ドメイン または IPアドレス
入力の逆引き または 正引き


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